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PBATS Announces Winner of 2015 Rolex Raffle

PBATS Rolex Raffle Raises Funds for Educational Scholarships The Professional Baseball Athletic Trainer’s Society announced that Will Smith has won the 2015 Rolex Raffle and will be awarded a Rolex…

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Tampa Bay’s Benge leads MiLB award winners

PBATS NAMES 2015 MINOR LEAGUE ATHLETIC TRAINERS OF THE YEAR CHICAGO (Aug. 19, 2015) – President Mark O’Neal of the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society (PBATS) today announced the winners of…

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PBATS Joins MLB Diversity & Inclusion Symposium

The 4th Annual Sports Diversity & Inclusion Symposium took place on September 29-30 at Citi Field in New York City. This year, for the first time, MLB hosted the invitation…

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Major League Baseball players inspire fans of all ages, facing challenging odds on their climb through the professional ranks. Some players endure additional obstacles – and their successes reflect the…

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PBATS celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Andrew Hauser, Arizona Diamondbacks Minor League medical coordinator, has always been a sports fan, an athlete and an overall active person. Growing up in Kansas as the youngest of three,…

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PBATS One-Day Charity raises more than $30,000

PBATS today announced that the One-Day Charity fundraiser has officially raised $30,202 in order to benefit Major League Baseball’s Baseball Assistance Team (B.A.T.). The PBATS One-Day Charity is an annual…

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