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Living the Dream – End of a Century-Old Drought

By: Magie Lacambra, MEd, ATC, Gatorade Team Sports Manager Some things are worth waiting for while others are not. Ask the city of Chicago if waiting 108 years for a…

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A Look Back at the Off-Season in Athletic Training

By: Nate Brooks, ATC | Medical Coordinator (Oakland A’s) For a majority of us in this profession, the off-season brings a period of extended down time. A chance to briefly remove ourselves…

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Tricks of the Trade: Back to the Basics – Ice Towels

By: Mark Vinson Maybe you have seen a major league pitcher doing a post-game interview icing his shoulder and elbow.  The Ace bandage usually appears to envelope a large bulky…

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USA Wins WBC Championship

*Article originally seen on the San Diego Union Tribune * Photo: Athletic Trainers Mark O’Neal (Cubs) and Lonnie Soloff (Indians) celebrate championship As Dodger Stadium sprang to life Wednesday afternoon,…

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Troy Hoffert 2016 Minor League Athletic Trainer of the Year

By: Matthew Lucero ATC, LAT Growing up in Reading Pennsylvania, Troy loved sports but was unable to play himself because of his life-long battle with seizures. To stay involved, he…

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MSU-Moorhead Student Interns with Rangers

Article & image courtesy of Martin Schlegel / The Advocate As the Major League Baseball season swings into its full momentum, so too do many area students’ cheers for the…

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Inside the Game #002: Jimmy Mattocks

2016 opening day has come and gone, but the PBATS ‘Inside the Game’ interview series is just getting started. As we mentioned last week in the launch and interview #001,…

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A’s Welcome Intern from Ireland

*Story courtesy of Susan Slusser | MESA, Ariz. — The first time Tara O’Haire saw a baseball game was, well, at the start of this month when the A’s…

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Opening Day: PBATS Launches ‘Inside the Game’ Interview Series

2016 opening day is here. And in 2016, all of us at PBATS plan to provide insight into different jobs in baseball for fans of the game, followers of athletic…

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